LALA Slovak Music Export
Račianska 1575/78
83102 Bratislava
Slovenská republika
We are a non-profit organisation aiming to be the first official Slovak music export initiative. Our main goal is to create a concept of long-term support and presentation of Slovak music scene abroad.
We are not focused on specific genres, however, our first steps will be aimed mostly at off-mainstream music. The keywords are cooperation and education. We are very committed to helping Slovak music grow, offer all our experience, network connections in order to contribute to higher level of music education in the country and connect the key players and organisations of our music scene. Better infrastructure and cooperation on the national level => better odds to succeed with our music abroad.
Projects we are currently running:
- SHARPE festival – festival & conference showcasing fresh and sharp music from Slovakia, Europe and beyond
- series of workshops for musicians and music professionals covering topics such as music marketing, author rights, music production etc.
- compilations of four Slovak independent labels and a promotion agencies
- mentoring programs, delegations and long-term cooperations with music scenes of other European countries
Michal Berezňák
Katja Thalerová
We are open to new cooperations and ideas. Let us know via